What Is a Natural Swim Pond?

kids jumping off deck into natural swim pond in Santa Rosa, CA

What Is a Natural Swim Pond?

Santa Rosa, California, is renowned for its pristine landscapes and picturesque views. Your home's backyard is part of these beautiful features, so why would you install an uninspiring and dull chemical pool? There's another option. McDonald Pools is North Bay's leader in gorgeous natural swim pond installation. Natural swim ponds use a combination of biofilters, aeration, and UV Lights to keep water crystal clear and safe for swimming. The regeneration zone surrounding the swimming area contains aquatic and semi-aquatic plants that naturally filter the water to create a clear and clean swimming space.
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Discover the Benefits of Natural Swim Ponds

Natural swim ponds offer a variety of advantages over traditional inground pools and can be typically installed at a similar price point.


Natural swim ponds are an ideal alternative for eco-conscious homeowners. They rely on natural filtering, which requires less electricity and no chemicals, making it safer for your family and the environment.


If you're tired of spending your weekends skimming your pool, you're in luck. The regeneration zone naturally filters the water, so you don't need to skim it before every swim.


Natural swim ponds don't rely on chemicals to stay clean. By eliminating the need for harsh chemicals, you won't have to worry about burning eyes and dry skin or hair after swimming.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Natural swim ponds are designed to become part of your beautiful backyard. They enhance the space by creating a serene and functional oasis for your home.

Elevate Your Backyard With a Natural Swim Pond

We recommend a natural swim pond if you're considering adding or updating your home's pool. As North Bay, California's natural swim pond leader, we can design and install a natural swim pond complete with stunning rock and water features and lush and lively plants that require virtually no maintenance. Enjoy a custom and beautiful natural swim pond without all the harsh and expensive chemicals and equipment. Speak with a design team member today to learn more about how we can assist you.
natural swim pond back yard with deck in Santa Rosa, CA

Start Your Swim Project With McDonald Pools Today

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